How To Secure Your Wealth

Seize Control of Your Financial Destiny

“Learn little-known tactics used by the ultra-wealthy to take control of your financial future and secure prosperity for yourself and your loved ones.”

Join us for a life-changing 1-day online event designed especially for Australians who want to protect and grow your wealth.

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If you’re feeling uncertain about your financial future, you’re not alone

With today’s economic turmoil, many people who were previously financially comfortable are finding it more and more challenging to grow and protect their wealth.

Even those on 6-figure incomes are struggling to secure their financial future – for their retirement and for their family.

It’s time to take charge and equip yourself with the skills and strategies necessary to thrive.

No doubt you’ve seen over the last few years (especially during Covid) that the ultra-wealthy massively increased their net worth, while everyone else went backwards.


Because they know how to harness and benefit from disruption.

Disruptions like a pandemic, political unrest, astronomical government debt, high interest rates and increased cost of living.

But – very few people have access to the tactics used by the ultra-wealthy to grow and protect their wealth. In fact there are laws prohibiting you from even knowing about some of the tactics, unless you’re a “sophisticated investor” (meaning you have more than $2.5 million in net assets, or an annual income of over $250,000 for at least 2 years).

The good news is that there is a lot that we CAN share with you. Tactics that can:

Legally reduce the amount of tax you pay, using little - known structures

Protect your hard - earned wealth from predators, gold - diggers and greedy governments

Build resilience to even the most extreme economic conditions

Enable you to thrive and grow your wealth in the toughest times

Break free from the system of debt, inflation, and taxation that enslaves most people and achieve financial independence

If you’re driven by the desire to protect your assets for retirement and leave a lasting inheritance for your children, if you’re eager to navigate change with confidence and low risk, and if you crave the peace of mind that comes from expert guidance and sound strategy, then this event is tailor-made for you.

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You’ll learn from two of Australia’s leading financial educators.

Warren Black is a trained accountant and lawyer, and an ex - ATO Auditor. Over the last 30 - plus years he has helped thousands of Australians with creative strategies to secure their assets, grow their income, and legally reduce their tax.
Stephen Petith is an international investor and advisor. He has over 20 years’ experience helping companies and individuals become global. He is a visionary in global economics, stock markets, business, private investments, and offshore sovereignty. His expertise is in venture capital, pre-IPO investing, and asset protection. As well as working with multi - millionaires and billionaires, Stephen also helps those interested in creative strategies to achieve financial freedom.

Warren and Stephen’s focus is on helping those who see the major shifts in our economy, and who are deeply concerned about the security of their wealth.

This event is for you if you've watched with apprehension as governments flex their muscle during times of crisis, if you've felt the chill of mistrust creep in as institutions overreach, and if you've grappled with the nagging fear of your hard - earned assets slipping away.

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Here’s What You'll Discover at this powerful 1-day online event

You’ll learn little - known tactics used by the ultra - wealthy, including:
How To Navigate Economic Uncertainty :

Gain invaluable insights into how to adapt and thrive in an everchanging economic landscape, where traditional rules no longer apply.

How To Protect Your Wealth :

Learn battletested strategies for safeguarding your assets against government overreach and unforeseen threats.

How To Seize Opportunities :

Overcome the fear of missing out and uncover hidden gems in the investment landscape, guided by experts who share your values and concerns.

How To Prepare for the Unknown:

Equip yourself with the tools and knowledge needed to face unexpected challenges with confidence and resilience. Create your own “Plan B” to secure your financial future.

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Why This Workshop Is Different

This isn’t your typical financial seminar. We won’t sugarcoat the truth or peddle onesizefitsall solutions. Instead, we’ll empower you with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to take control of your financial destinyon your terms.

Yes, the world has changed!

We understand. The world has changed dramatically, and it’s left many feeling uneasy.

We’ve seen shifts in societal norms, economic structures, and cultural values that have reshaped the fabric of our daily lives.

It’s natural to long for the simplicity and stability of the past, where things seemed clearer and more predictable. We all miss the“good old days” when there was a stronger sense of community and respect for each other and for authority.

The COVID19 pandemicand the government’s overreach of their authorityhas made many people uncertain and disillusioned. We learned how fragile our freedom actually was. It left many of us questioning our trust in government, healthcare, and financial stability.

It also made many people realise the importance of talking responsibility for your own financial future, rather than relying on the government to look after you.

At this event we’re giving you the knowledge and skills to do something about it!

In these uncertain times, preparation is key. Don’t let fear paralyse you–take proactive steps to safeguard your financial future.

Let us help you secure a legacy of prosperity for yourself and your loved ones. If you yearn for the reassurance of a solid financial plan in an ever-changing world, then it’s time to reclaim your power, protect your assets, and chart a course towards a future filled with certainty and abundance.

Reserve your seat now.

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Who Are We And Why Should You Listen To Us ?

We understand your skepticism, your wariness of the establishment, and your reluctance to blindly follow the advice of so-called experts. That’s why our team is made up of seasoned professionals who aren’t afraid to challenge the status quo and offer unconventional solutions to your most pressing financial issues.

Hi, I’m Warren Black.

I’m here to help you secure your financial freedom.

With my background as an accountant and lawyer for over 30 years, I know a thing or two about money matters. I used to work as an auditor for the tax office, but now I specialise in helping Australians protect their money, both here and overseas. I can even give you advice on getting second passports and citizenships. My approach is a bit different—I’ll show you how to work with the system while planning for a way out of it.

I’ve worked with all sorts of people, from those living off the grid to those in the mainstream. I’ve got some insider knowledge too, thanks to my understanding of how things work behind the scenes. I’ve helped people deal with fines and legal stuff, and I’m big on teaching people their rights under the law.

If you’re looking to take charge of your money and your future, then I’m here to help.

Hi, I’m Stephen Petith. My expertise is in global economics, stocks, business, and investments. I’ve been in this field for decades and usually work with wealthy individuals, ranging from millionaires to billionaires. I specialise in helping companies grow, including
expanding internationally.

What sets me apart is my expertise in pre-IPO investments (investing before companies become publicly traded) and helping wealthy clients protect their assets legally.

A few years ago, I had a serious health scare when I was bitten by a spider and ended up in hospital for months. It made me realize I wanted to use my knowledge to help as many people as I can.

These days I focus on helping regular Australians who are starting to learn about managing their finances. I’m passionate about helping you achieve financial security and independence. My goal is to empower individuals to navigate the complexities of the global economy with confidence.

Hi, we are Andrew and Daryl Grant. We’ve worked with Warren and Stephen for over 15 years.

We’ll be helping out at the workshop to:

  • Make sure the training is practical and simple to follow
  • Keep you focused on the system, and turn everything you are learning into easy-to-understand and implement steps. So you have practical takeaways by the end of this jam-packed event
  • Help with business strategy, especially multiple ways to generate an income. We have decades of experience and have sold millions of dollars worth of information products, physical products and services across a wide range of businesses.

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Here’s what we’re covering at this practical online event

Session 1: Getting Ahead of the Curve

Delve into the shifts happening both locally and globally that are impacting the middle class. We'll explore how these changes could affect you financially , covering areas like property, shares, currencies, and emerging trends in gold and other precious metals .
We'll look at governmental chan ges to retirement age, SMSFs, and self-employment regulations, and help you navigate these changes so you come out the other side better off.
You’ll see how AI and robotisation is removing entry level jobs, but how it can be harnessed to allow small businesses to compete with corporations (massive opportunities for small business owners!)
You’ll learn how you can benefit from these times of chaos and grow great wealth.

Session 2: Seizing Profitable Opportunities

Equip yourself with strategies to bolster you r assets and income. From expanding your business ventures to exploring niche opportunities in the property market such as tiny homes and age care facilities.
Government - induced shortages can be a goldmine for savvy investors. Learn how to spot and leverag e these opportunities in sectors like housing, food, transport, and energy.
Consider the potential of tapping into new markets beyond borders, allowing you to diversify and grow your wealth strategically.

Session 3: Mitigating Risks and Safeguarding Your Wealth

Navigate the landscape of increasing taxes and global shifts in policy. Discover ways to optimize your financial position and retain more of your earnings.
Safeguard your privacy and financial autonomy in a world of heightened scrutiny. Explore strat egies to protect your assets and maintain your financial independence.
Explore the shifting geopolitical dynamics, including the rise of Asia, and its potential impact on your long-term financial security.

Session 4: Crafting Your Resilient Plan B

Explore avenues for obtaining second citizenships and residencies to enhance your mobility and security.
Implement robust asset protection strategies tailored to your unique circumstances, ensuring the preservation and growth of your wealth.
Embrace wealth - buildin g strategies that align with your goals and aspirations, from overseas investments to establishing a diversified portfolio.
Take practical steps towards offshore banking and investment accounts, leveraging international jurisdictions for enhanced financial flexibility and security.

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By the end of the day, you’ ll be armed with a complete and up - to date arsenal of strategies and tactics that you can immediately start to implement .

Here’s Who The “Secure Your Wealth” Event Is For

Australians who are finding that their six-figure income is no longer enough to feel financially comfortable
Those seeking to secure their financial future , using tactics that are usually reserved just for the ultra-wealthy
Investors looking for strategies to safely navig ate economic uncertainty
Individuals interested in wealth preservation and asset protection
Those eager to capitalize on emerging opportunities in changing markets
Business owners seeking to expand their financial knowledge and skills
Retirees looking to optimize their retirement savings and investments
Millennials and Gen Xers aiming to build wealth and achieve financial independence.
Professionals seeking to diversify their investment portfolios and grow their assets
Individuals interested in learning about alternative investment options, such as pre-IPO offers or overseas property
Anyone concerned about economic instability and seeking proactive solutions for financial security.
Don’t make the mistake of trying to figure all this out on your own. You will end up wasting too much of your valuable time and losing your hard - earned money. It’s taken us decades learn the secrets we ’ll be sharing with you.

Come and spend one day with us online and let us show you how you can successfully secure your wealth for you and your family

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Here’s What Others Have Said About Past Events we’ve Run

I joined Global Wealth Club (GWC) in August 2021 because I wanted to learn about asset protection and tax minimisation. What I have got out of the GWC membership is much more than what I expected. The team at Global Wealth Club have overdelivered what they have promised. I have attended weekly living training on mindset, health, wealth protection, creating a sovereign income, energy healing, etc. I’m impressed by the quality of presentations delivered by Warren and his guest speakers, especially their genuine willingness to help the community.I highly recommend Global Wealth Club as they are extremely professional and incredibly helpful throughout the entire process of educating clients, providing professional advice and services.

Linda Li, NSW

I’ve been a member of the club since its inception, and I originally joined to expand my awareness of sovereign wealth creation.

The teachings in the club by various experts have opened my eyes to different opportunities and possibilities I was previously completely unaware of. As a result, I’ve been able to adopt more of a holistic approach to my overall wealth plan.

In my case, I’ve been able to open an offshore company, obtain offshore residency in Panama, and have another passport on the way.

In regards to the team, they are super helpful and have always been there when I needed further guidance, and I genuinely feel I’m leveling up as a result of the continued education and support. I highly recommend being part of the Global Wealth Club.

Andy Alvarez, WA

I was introduced to the Global Wealth Club towards the end of 2018 and originally joined to organize structures for my business and investments. I’ve received much more than I expected.

It’s now a life-changing three years together and through GWC, I’ve been able to grow my wealth with the team’s education and guidance. Also, I have had access to various investment opportunities and markets which I wouldn’t even have known about.

With guidance from GWC I have obtained a second citizenship and offshore residency in the UK which has given me peace of mind knowing I have a back-up plan if needed.

They’ve also helped me set up an Australian foundation to give back with philanthropy while legally minimizing my taxes.

The biggest change in my life working with the team has not only been in my income and asset protection but also my health, energy, spiritual development and mastery in all areas of my life which continues to be an amazing ongoing journey full of learning and growth.

The thing that stands out to me is the team’s generosity with their time, support, knowledge, and willingness to always go the extra mile to ensure I have full clarity on anything I’m doing with them.

Most of my family are now part of the Global Wealth Club and I would absolutely recommend their services to anyone wanting to achieve real results in their finances, asset protection and life.

Christine Evans, WA

I was introduced to the Global Wealth Club after I finished work with Wealth Safe (their partner company).

I first joined the club when I heard about them speak on the pending economic meltdown. After I understood the facts, I could see my vulnerabilities and knew I had to start managing my risk, as most of my wealth was previously invested in fiat and property.

On top of this, I was also interested to explore new ways to generate an income outside my day job as a medical GP, and diversify my investment portfolio outside of stock and property.

From Global Wealth Club’s education, guidance and assistance with implementation, I’ve been able to balance my portfolio (which has saved me from a few crashes in various industries) and got my assets well protected.

After being involved as a client for over 1 year, I was asked to present my knowledge on mainstream and holistic medicine to the club.

I agreed to do it as a special favour to give back, and it’s been a natural evolvement where I’m now part of the team and a regular speaker for all Global Wealth Club members.

What stood out to me as a client was Global Wealth Club’s ability to recognize current and potential problems, and find creative solutions to mitigate them.

I would 100% recommend the Global Wealth Club to anyone who is serious about becoming sovereign in their wealth, health and life.

Dr. Hoe Bing Lo, VIC

I’m a trader and investor, and I’ve been collaborating with Warren for several years to better structure my financial affairs and work towards achieving personal sovereignty.

The Global Wealth Club offers a real wealth knowledge and is holistic in imparting guidance on how to overcome unproductive and self-defeating mindsets.

In my entire time working with the team, they’ve been true to their word, are generous with their time and knowledge, and I absolutely recommend anyone interested in achieving personal sovereignty to consider engaging their services.

John Cunningham, QLD

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